Get Informed

This website lists content within categories to help the reader navigate the content. Those categories are listed below. Additionally, this page contains every article on the site in order (newest to last). This resource will help the audience become as informed as possible in the area of consent decrees with the latest information, as it is posted.

  • The DOJ Turned Textbook De-Escalation Into Wrongdoing
    In recent discussions surrounding law enforcement practices, the focus has shifted towards ensuring accountability and fostering community trust. The Phoenix Police Department has found itself at the center of scrutiny, particularly regarding the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) investigations into its conduct but the conduct the…
  • Worcester Claims The DOJ Report Misleads
    The DOJ released another investigation and once again, local officials claim they are misleading the public. Local police unions Tuesday rebuked the findings of the U.S. Department of Justice’s 41-page report in which Worcester police were alleged to have used excessive force and had sexual…
  • A Response To The Arizona Republic
    The only thing accurate in the recent article by Arizona Republic Reporter EJ Montini is how the article was labeled.  An Opinion.  The Republic certainly understands defamation law because that one word saved their lawyers from a ton of grief.  We could discuss a lot…
  • Consent Decree vs. MOA
    There has been some discussion among insiders in and around Phoenix that the police department is attempting to resolve the DOJ Investigation by a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). We haven’t said much about this because frankly, the DOJ rarely does them, but they are more…
  • The Department of Justice Phoenix Report is Filled with Lies
  • The DOJ Hoax Revealed In Incident #1
    The DOJ Claims that the incident below ism unconstitutional force, despite officers giving a subject 15 minutes to comply and using less lethal force before the man aggressively came within six feet of officers.
  • Must See: DOJ Turned Great Tactics Into Wrongdoing
      The latest incident breakdown by Dr. Travis Yates is pure gold. In this video, he discusses Incident #8 from the DOJ Summary Report. After watching it, we have no words….You just have to watch it. Here is another breakdown of this case.
  • Phoenix Officers Are Prepared To Leave
    Almost a year ago, we discussed a disturbing employee survey showing that if a consent decree was implemented, 66% of the employees would consider retirement or resignation with 13% saying that they would absolutely leave immediately. In fact, just 16% said that a consent decree…
  • Expert Describes The Faults Within The DOJ Report on Phoenix
    Dr. Travis Yates discusses his findings inn the DOJ Summary Report on the Phoenix Police Department. His discussion included the time period of the investigation that made up approximately  6 million calls and more than 5000 use of force incidents. As Yates points out, the…
  • Bob Scales: DOJ Cannot Prove A Pattern-or-Practice of Unconstitutional Policing
    (Bob Scales): DOJ civil rights attorneys came out from the shadows yesterday to hold a virtual “community” meeting in Phoenix. DOJ has been silent since they released their pattern-or-practice findings in June at a virtual press conference: DOJ has refused to speak with City…
  • Podcast: Discussing The Transparency of Phoenix PD
    Dr. Travis Yates discusses Phoenix PD, the DOJ Investigation, and the unprecedented transparency of the Phoenix Police Department: Click above to LISTEN. 
  • Democrat Congressman Tells The DOJ Phoenix Does Not Need A Consent Decree
    Democrat Congressman Ruben Gallego and current candidate for the United States Senate has asked the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division to halt their efforts towards a consent decree in Phoenix, saying he is  “deeply concerned that DOJ’s approach to PPD misses the mark, could…
  • If the DOJ Report Is A Lie, Their Recommendations Are As Well
    Councilwoman Ann O’Brien recently said that said that the Phoenix Police Department is working to implement 37 remedial measures recommended by the U.S. Department of Justice but we have a question. Where has it ever been proven that any measures recommended by the DOJ have…
  • The DOJ Got Caught Lying About Phoenix
    It what can only be described as deception at the highest level, experts are starting to weigh in on the DOJ Summary Report on the Phoenix Police Department and we are even shocked at how insane this appears to be. Check out Dr. Travis Yates…
  • DOJ Study Insults the Outstanding Men and Women of the Phoenix Police Department
    (NPA): I can’t ignore any story about the DOJ inflicting another bogus consent decree on undeserving American cops. I understand what that feels like, as I was serving in the Seattle Police Department (SPD) when, in 2010, the DOJ targeted us for a similar investigation…
  • How Did The DOJ Determine A ‘Pattern and Practice’?
    The DOJ has claimed that the Phoenix Police Department has displayed a “pattern and practice” of civil rights violations but how did they determine that? While they have released the summary report, this does not give the community or political leaders any of those answers….
  • Was The DOJ Honest In Their Summary Report?
    As we previously discussed, there are some significant problems with the summary report from the DOJ and the local media has even pointed out some of those issues. Dr. Travis Yates ponders the following question on a recent appearance of the LEO Roundtable Podcast: What…
  • Cleveland Citizens Question $750 Per Hour Cost Of Monitoring Team
    Cleveland (WJW) – Fox 8 went one-on-one with the head of a group which includes some members earning $750 an hour with your tax money. We asked the question you keep asking as you struggle to pay the bills. The group now expects to collect millions…
  • Maricopa County attorney: DOJ didn’t tell the full story about my office. Don’t trust their Phoenix police findings
    (AZ Central): Public safety is the backbone of our community, and our men and women in blue are the ones on the front lines. More than ever, the job involves waking up every day and putting their lives on the line. That’s what makes The…
  • Survey: Phoenix Consent Decree Will Destroy Recruitment, Retention
    (KTAR) — Federal oversight could tank officer retention in the Phoenix Police Department, according to a survey released Wednesday. The Phoenix Law Enforcement Association’s survey of 1,186 Phoenix Police officers found that 56% were considering leaving in the next three to six months. LISTEN TO…
  • DOJ Reports Are Opinion…Here Is Why
    We told you long before the DOJ defamed the Phoenix Police Department that their reports lacked any evidence. City after city has experienced this and there is 30 years of carnage to proven it. Now that the report is out, the DOJ has exposed their…
  • Video: DOJ Consent Decrees Represent 30 Years of Failure
  • Open Letter To Phoenix City Council Regarding the DOJ
  • The Department of Justice Phoenix Report is Filled with Lies
    Bob Scales recently wrote this: The Civil Rights Division at the US Department of Justice (DOJ) routinely lies to the public and the media in order to coerce cities into signing consent decrees. This video from Arizona Police Lawyer provides proof that DOJ’s pattern-or-practice findings…
  • Review shows misstatements and mischaracterizations in DOJ report of Phoenix PD
    An Arizona’s Family Investigates review of the Department of Justice Investigation report into the Phoenix Police Department shows misstatements, errors in fact and events that were mischaracterized by DOJ investigators. Critics argue that the report’s conclusions should be viewed with skepticism. “It doesn’t give a…
  • Maricopa County attorney criticizes DOJ report on Phoenix PD
  • Supreme Court Slams The Phoenix DOJ Report
    The United States Supreme Court exposed the DOJ’s “historic” investigation on the Phoenix Police Department on Friday but we doubt anything will change with the accusations, innuendoes, and lies that were within the summary report. Before we explain what the Supreme Court did, here is…
  • Phoenix or Minneapolis…Which Do You Choose
    Dr. Travis Yates has spoken a few times about Phoenix and the DOJ. His latest podcast episode discussed the stark difference between leadership in Phoenix and Minneapolis and he specifically discussed the DOJ investigation and summary report. Give it a listen and let us know…
  • Phoenix Is Living Up to Its Name
    “No free government can survive that is not based on the supremacy of the law. Where law ends, tyranny begins. Law alone can give us freedom.” T. Hartley Alexander, Second Floor Relief in the Department of Justice Building in Washington, D.C.   The United States…
  • The Next Move in Phoenix with Dr. Travis Yates
    Dr. Travis Yates has spoken several times about the DOJ Investigation in Phoenix and in this episode of the Roll Call Room Podcast, he details the actions that Phoenix should take now. As Yates explains, consent decrees are the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) method for reforming…
  • The Phoenix Investigation Was A Fraud
    Just as we predicted and almost an exact copy of what we already wrote, the Department of Justice blasted the Phoenix Police Department in a 126-page summary report on Thursday. It seemed like a Saturday Night Live Skit as Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, who…
  • The Corrupt DOJ Is Releasing The Phoenix Report
    There may not be a more corrupt organization in America today than the Department of Justice and their destruction of communities and law enforcement agencies with consent decrees is simply one small piece of a political monster that thrives on eating the misinformed. Just this…
  • Phoenix Police Has Cutting Edge Strategy On Policy Development
    The Phoenix Police Department is getting national attention for their new approach to policy development. Dr. Travis Yates is a national trainer and author of “The Courageous Police Leader,” and according to his recent article, he has been telling agencies for over a decade that…
  • The Wolves Are Circling Phoenix
    All may seem quiet in Phoenix as the DOJ continues it’s silence but rest assured, the city continues to be in grave danger from the wolves that are circling. If you are new here, we encourage you to read our historical content that proves, without…
  • The Head of DOJ Lied Under Oath
    The DOJ Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke is behind the investigation within the Phoenix Police Department. She has openly discussed how she intends to “reimagine” police and since holding her “unelected” office, you can watch the news each night to see that her plan is…
  • Interview: Consent Decree Chaos In Albuquerque
    After a few local news stories touted how great the consent decree was in Albuquerque, we wondered what the metric was for “great.” Considering that since agreeing to a consent decree, the overall violent crime in Albuquerque has risen 80% while the budget ballooned 38%…
  • Listen: Marginalized Communities Suffer Under Consent Decrees
    Bob Scales appeared on the 3 Cops Talk Podcast. As usual, it was very informative and exposes what the DOJ is doing to cities across America. You can and should listen below: Listen Here
  • It’s Time To Pull The Curtain Back On Consent Decrees
    We need to have a public debate on the merits and impacts of consent decrees imposed by the Civil Rights Division at the US Department of Justice (DOJ). DOJ will not discuss or comment on its pattern-or-practice investigations until it is ready to hold a…
  • Scales: The DOJ Has Harmed Local Communities
    This new report on the impacts of DOJ consent decrees speaks for itself. Unfortunately, you will never see any articles about this report in the New York Times, Washington Post, or any other mainstream news organization. The media simply regurgitates what the DOJ tells them…
  • National Leaders Are Noticing Phoenix
    We were sent this podcast by Dr. Travis Yates, who has been speaking about the negative consequences of federal government oversight of law enforcement agencies for some time. It’s worth the listen: When the Phoenix Police Department stood firm against the Department of Justice’s consent…
  • The Next Move
    Last week’s developments by the city of Phoenix that advised the DOJ that they were not going to agree to a police consent decree was historic and you deserve all of the credit for making that happen. There is no question in our minds that…
  • Phoenix Has Advised The DOJ They Will Not Voluntarily Give Their Department To Them
    In an official letter from the Phoenix Police Department to Vanita Gupta Associate Attorney General of the United States, the Phoenix Police Department has advised the DOJ that they will not agree to a consent decree.You can read the letter to the DOJ here and…
  • Phoenix Called The DOJ’s Bluff
    Phoenix has called DOJ’s bluff. Phoenix has told the DOJ Civil Rights Division that they will refuse to sign a consent decree even before DOJ has released its pattern-or-practice findings. This is a historic event and could bring down the entire consent decree industrial complex….
  • Are Police Consent Decrees Constitutional?
    In this video excerpt from the LEO Roundtable Podcast, Dr. Travis Yates discusses the constitutionality of police consent decrees. The 10th Amendment states The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the…
  • DOJ Final Report on Phoenix…Sort Of
    The summary report from the DOJ on the Phoenix Police Department will likely be released within weeks and it’s time to discuss exactly what that is and what it is designed to do. Regardless of what consent decree you read, they are very similar and…
  • The Final DOJ Report Is (Almost) Here
    The new year in Phoenix has brought a turn of events in the multiple year, 6 million dollar saga, that has been the DOJ investigating the Phoenix Police Department. The DOJ wants the city council to sign an agreement for a consent decree but when…
  • Here Comes The Sales Pitch
    As we mentioned in a previous article, the DOJ has a problem. For the first time, a major city has refused to simply sign up for a multi-million dollar consent decree, that promises higher violence and fewer cops, before seeing the results of the investigation….
  • The DOJ Has A Problem…They May Have To PROVE Their Case
    PHOENIX – As the U.S. Department of Justice continues its investigation into the Phoenix Police Department, members of the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office providing some insight to the Phoenix City Council, explaining their own dealings with a federal investigation. Phoenix Police has been under investigation…
  • Merry (Murder) Christmas To These Consent Decree Cities
    One of the critiques we have heard from this website is that consent decrees look so bad from our content that it simply can’t be all true. We’ve challenged anyone that believes that to show us one thing here that is false…just one. We are…
  • A Non-Consensual Decree
    The popular podcast, 3 Cops Talk, just released a podcast on consent decrees and specifically discuss the Phoenix Police Department. It is well worth the listen. You can listen on Apple here and Spotify here.      
  • Dr. Travis Yates: Consent Decrees Create GTA In Real Life
    On a recent episode of the LEO Roundtable, Dr. Travis Yates was asked about the violent crime in Seattle. His answer was short, concise, and frightening at the same time.  
  • We Are Trying To Save Phoenix
    Our recent article on helping Phoenix police officers find other jobs if a consent decree is imposed, caused at least one of our followers to pose us a question. “If you truly care about Saving Phoenix, why would you encourage officers to leave the agency?”…
  • Hey Interim Chief…We Have Some Questions?
    Phoenix Interim Police Chief Michael Sullivan has been very quiet over the last few weeks which we find odd considering his agency is facing one of the most important important decisions in history. A consent decree imposed on the Phoenix Police Department will radically change…
  • 10 Million and Counting…When Will It Stop?
    9/1/24: An update to this story as reported by the Phoenix Police Department…They have spent 10.6 million dollars. Prior to even having a consent decree, the City of Phoenix has spent 5.5 million dollars in cooperating with the DOJ. This week, the City Council approved…
  • The Hypocrisy of the DOJ
    A recent article titled, “Defying presidents and Congress, the ATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals shroud their shootings in secrecy,” highlights the hypocrisy of DOJ Consent Decrees. While the DOJ demands absolute transparency and loyalty to local police agencies, they are actually extremely secretive about…
  • Phoenix Police: ‘We Will Help You Find Employment’ If…
    We care deeply for Phoenix and we have done all that we can to warn the decision makers that a police consent decree will destroy our fine city. As much as we care for the city, we have to be clear that if they agree…
  • Silent Night…Deadly Night
    A few weeks ago, we wondered what Interim Chief Michael Sullivan was doing and questioned why he was not making decisions to improve the Phoenix Police Department in various areas. His comment that he was “waiting” for the DOJ concerned us and we gave several…
  • Phoenix: “Nobody signs a contract without reading the contract”
    As we said just days ago, there will be significant pressure placed on the City Councilors to sign off on a consent decree without actually looking at the evidence the DOJ has collected over the last two years and as expected, articles and news are…
  • Yates: Phoenix Is The Last Stand
    Dr. Travis Yates is one of the few that has spoken out against consent decrees within law enforcement and he has incredible credibility within the profession. He was speaking about the pending recruitment crisis long before it was mainstream and along with 30 years of…
  • DOJ rejects requests for review of Phoenix Findings
    We have previously advised how the DOJ expects an agency to agree to federal take over of a local law enforcement agency without even showing them the evidence from their investigation and while that may have sounded unreal to those not familiar with the shady…
  • The DOJ Made Their Move
    The next few weeks will be vital for the city of Phoenix, their residents, and the politicians tasked with making a decision on whether they will hand over law and order to the federal government in a historically failed means called a ‘police consent decree.’…
  • The Consent Decree Scam
    It has been over two years since the Department of Justice began its “pattern and practice” investigation into the police department.  Chief Sullivan provided an update a couple months ago and said that it has been a collaborative effort and that the seven meetings they…
  • Sheriff Penzone: Consent Decrees Are To The “Benefit of Crime”
    If Phoenix goes under a consent decree…”it will be to the benefit of crime.”  
  • An Open Letter To Mayor Kate Gallego
    Mayor Gallego: An Open Letter To Mayor Kate Gallego On behalf of the members of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, United Phoenix Firefighters Local 493, AFSCME 2384, AFSCME 2960 and ASPTEA and especially all the residents who call this great city their home, I want…
  • DOJ Consent Decrees: More Murder For Your Money
    Here on, we often write about the devastating consequences of Consent Decrees in cities across the country where the U.S. Department of Justice has imposed them – resulting in the ruinous trifecta of increased crime rates, out-of-control ineffective spending by the millions, and police…
  • It’s Time To End The Consent Decree Era
    Since October 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division has opened two new pattern or practice investigations of municipal law enforcement agencies: the Trenton (N.J.) Police Department and the Lexington (Miss.) Police Department. This brings the total number of active DOJ investigations of…
  • Why I’m not about to give the Justice Department control of Phoenix Police
    Do you know the nine most terrifying words? “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” That’s exactly what the Department of Justice said to the city of Phoenix more than two years ago when they opened a pattern or practice investigation with the…
  • Expert: Phoenix Police Chief ‘Betrayed’ The City
    In early November the US Department of Justice (DOJ) held secret closed-door meetings with the Phoenix Police Chief and the City Manager to discuss the DOJ’s pattern-or-practice investigation of the Phoenix Police Department. These two city officials failed to disclose to the City Council or…
  • Louisville Police Chief Cannot ‘Validate’ DOJ Findings
    What is happening in Louisville? In March the US Department of Justice (DOJ) held a press conference announcing that the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) had a pattern-or-practice of unconstitutional policing. DOJ said that LMPD officers routinely violated constitutional rights and that the only remedy…
  • What Will A Consent Decree Monitor Cost?
    We have written numerous articles about the excessive costs of consent decree monitors. Keep in mind, that the monitor cost is just one aspect that Phoenix should consider. After evaluating numerous consent decree cities, we estimate the initial cost to be 25-50 million dollars over…
  • A Message To Phoenix Media…Where Are You?
    It’s unfortunate that it takes the effort by a group of volunteers to educate the public on the damage that police consent decrees do but that pales into comparison as to the media silence on the issue. While there have certainly seen some media outlets…
  • Phoenix DOJ Investigation Is Closing…What’s Next?
  • Violent Felons Love Consent Decrees
    Consent decrees are dangerous and lead to increased crime. Harvard Professor Roland Fryer’s recent study showed that DOJ pattern-or-practice investigations of police departments have resulted in hundreds of additional homicides: Consent decrees also suppress legitimate prosecutions of violent felons. As a former prosecutor, this story…
  • Chief Sullivan: Make Phoenix Great & Stop Waiting
    There seems to be some confusion as to what agencies should be doing once the Department of Justice launches an investigation. Leaders across the country, including Phoenix Interim Police Chief Michael Sullivan, act like they are completely paralyzed while they “wait” for the conclusion of…
  • DOJ Words Matter…Here’s What They Mean
    The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched a pattern-or-practice investigation of the City of Lexington Mississippi and its police department. Here is the transcript from DOJ’s national press conference. I translated the remarks to remove the political rhetoric: ♻ “Police misconduct in smaller communities…
  • Where’s The Chief? It’s Not The Job Of The Union To Educate The Public
    The Phoenix Law Enforcement Association is trying to protect its officers, and the community, from the abuses of DOJ consent decrees. In the absence of leadership from Phoenix PD and city management, the union is stepping up to fill the information void and warn the…
  • DOJ Has A Plan To Run Local Agencies Forever
    The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has been revealing its new strategy for consent decrees. Rather than finding full and effective compliance and ending federal oversight, DOJ is planning to keep local police departments under perpetual federal control. Seattle, Portland and Albuquerque have been working…
  • Chicago Consent Decree Monitor On Pace To Make 88 Million Dollars
    After five years under a consent decree, the for-profit monitor says that Chicago PD has only achieved 6% full compliance. At this rate of progress, Chicago PD will be under a consent decree for at least 22 years. The for-profit monitor, who determines compliance with…
  • Judge May Toss Consent Decree In California Agency
    VALLEJO, CA. – A Solano County Superior Court judge indicated last week that he will not enforce some elements of a stipulated judgment between the Vallejo Police Department and the California Department of Justice, and may not approve the document at all. The Vallejo Sun reported…
  • The Trojan Horse of Phoenix
    Anyone with a fifth-grade literacy level can see clearly from this website and others that DOJ consent decrees are unmitigated disasters for the cities that are forced into “voluntarily” agreeing to them. Law enforcement agencies and communities are destroyed after the Department of Justice (DOJ)…
  • The Phoenix Council Was Mislead…We Caught The Wolves
    The unfortunate truth is that there are entities both within and outside the Phoenix Police Department that WANT the Department of Justice (DOJ) to manage the Phoenix Police Department. Considering what a consent decree has done to communities across the country, that sounds CRAZY but…
  • Phoenix Deserves Better
    The recent article titled “Phoenix really needs federal monitoring of police” is both dangerous and deceitful. While it’s hard to comprehend how someone without any law enforcement experience, in any of the areas discussed, could so boldly write a piece designed to inflame the emotions…
  • Why a federal investigation of Phoenix police only makes things worse
    (AZ Central): Two years ago, the Department of Justice launched a witch hunt against the Phoenix Police Department over claims that there are patterns and practices of misconduct and racial bias. Rather than serve the role of a neutral legal arbiter, DOJ succumbed to the…
  • The Death Of Police Consent Decrees
    This is the smoking gun that should be the death knell for all DOJ consent decrees in the United States. I previously posted about an annual closed-door, invitation-only Consent Decree Conference: This is the conference agenda. Speaker panels are made up of federal judges,…
  • Phoenix DOJ Investigation: Was The City Council Mislead?
    The Department of Justice Civil Rights Division is conducting a pattern and practice investigation into the Phoenix Police Department. The DOJ is examining whether the PPD is involved in unconstitutional policing – particularly whether Phoenix PD uses excessive force or has other illegal police policies….
  • World Series Requires ‘Maximum Staffing’…What Would A Consent Decree Do?
    Moments after the Arizona Diamondbacks clinched the National League pennant by winning game 7 of the NLCS, the Phoenix Police Department sent out an all-hands on deck email notifying all its sworn officers that the department was implementing a mobilization plan it calls “maximum staffing”….
  • Cleveland Politicians Get the Blame After Agreeing To Consent Decree
    CLEVELAND, Ohio —The city of Cleveland is ground zero on how the DOJ destroys communities. As the city approaches their 9th year under a federal consent decree, the citizens have now realized what a complete disaster the decree has had on the safety and finances…
  • Consent Decree Monitors Use Vague “Culture” Metric To Extend Monitoring
    Federal consent decrees are not about constitutional policing; they are about “culture change.” You don’t need to take my word for it. Just read the latest consent decree monitor report from the new Cleveland monitor: “CDP must focus on the biggest challenge ahead: changing the…
  • Op Ed: Is This Bond Measure ‘Smoke’ For A Consent Decree?
    I just received my ballot for the November 7th election here in Phoenix and the city has two bond issues up for approval. One is for 214 million dollars to “Enhance Community Safety through Fire, Police, Roadway and Pedestrian Infrastructure” and the second is for…
  • Phoenix Has Already Spent Millions During DOJ Investigation
    As of July 2022, the city had spent $1.9 million on its efforts to cooperate with the U.S. Justice Department civil investigation into Phoenix Police. An investigation that Phoenix voluntarily agreed to. The bulk of that expense up to now has involved the $1.35 million…
  • Phoenix Officers, Residents Concerned DOJ Will Take Over Police Department
    Phoenix officers and residents have expressed concerns that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will use a consent decree to take over the Phoenix Police Department (PPD), as they have done for several dozen other major cities across the country. Activists accused the DOJ of using…
  • Phoenix Consent Decree Would Strip Leadership of Authority, Cost Millions
    Department of Justice uses “Consent Decrees” to takeover local police departments. The decrees strip local Sheriff’s and Police Chief’s of their executive decision authority. This process has happened to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, and could soon happened to the Phoenix Police Department. The fact…
  • Maricopa County attorney warns about effects of DOJ police oversight
    PHOENIX — Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell on Wednesday warned that prosecuting criminals from Phoenix could become more difficult in the future if the U.S. Justice Department takes steps to oversee the Phoenix Police Department. Phoenix police are the target of a civil rights investigation…
  • Maricopa County Attorney rebukes possible federal oversight of Phoenix police
    Two years, two months and two weeks have passed since the U.S. Department of Justice began its wide-ranging investigation of the Phoenix Police Department. While investigators inch toward a resolution, Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell rebuked the DOJ’s effort to assess the practices of Phoenix…
  • Consent Decrees Are A Billion Dollar Industry
    While we have spoken extensively of the damage consent decrees have caused communities in the terms of higher violent crime, a more difficult metric is the cost of a consent decree. Any city that volunteers to have their police department monitored by the federal government…
  • A Consent Decree Would Halt Progress In Phoenix
    In this October 16, 2023 episode of the Mike Broomhead Show, Mike discusses the dire consequences of what a Consent Decree would do to the City of Phoenix. That discussion begins at the 15:30 mark. Listen Here. 
  • Chief Sullivan Is ‘Thinking’ About the DOJ But What Is He ‘Doing’?
    Phoenix Police Chief Michael Sullivan gave an interview with AZ Central on Sunday, October 15, 2023, discussing his first year on the job. We were hoping he would answer some of the pressing questions we have been asking but it was short on details and…
  • Consent Decree Could Cripple Staffing In Phoenix
    Phoenix – New numbers show an uptick in recruits for the Phoenix Police Department for the first time in four years. The department is still short several hundred officers, and the police union fears the looming Department of Justice Investigation could halt the recruitment and retention…
  • Bob Scales: A Consent Decree In Phoenix Will Fail
    Bob Scales joins Mike to talk about what a consent decree would mean for the City of Phoenix. Listen To The Interview Here.