The Wolves Are Circling Phoenix

All may seem quiet in Phoenix as the DOJ continues it’s silence but rest assured, the city continues to be in grave danger from the wolves that are circling.

If you are new here, we encourage you to read our historical content that proves, without any doubt, that the DOJ and their so called “consent decrees,”destroy law and order and communities. Within the top 20 most violent cities in America, 14 of those are ran by the DOJ and that occurred AFTER the DOJ came to town. The DOJ hasn’t even attempted to defend this destruction.

They made a feeble attempt near the end of the Phoenix investigation to say that Albuquerque is awesome after the DOJ spent a decade there and broke their city budget but as we pointed out here, everything is worse in Albuquerque, including a 101% increase in murders that included a record year last year. This interview by the Albuquerque Union President further destroys any laughable assertion that Albuquerque is nothing more than generations behind what that fine city used to be.

So Why Are We Still Here?

The continued destruction by the DOJ across the country within our communities begs the question, why is Phoenix still dealing with this? Why does the city continue to pay millions of dollars in taxpayers funds?  Several months ago, the city had spent over 6 million dollars and they recently approved another million dollars to Attorney Michael Bromwich.

Who Is Michael Bromwich?

The better question is WHAT is Michael Bromwich? We suspected almost a year ago that the hiring of a Washington D.C. Attorney, who was employed by the DOJ and was a consent decree monitor in the “crime free” city of Washington D.C. was an inside job. 

With a track record as bad as the DOJ, there is no plausible way any city would agree to a consent decree unless they were being pushed to do so on the inside. So it was no surprise that after the DOJ launched their investigation, that Phoenix hired Interim Police Chief Michael Sullivan, who commanded the consent decree compliance unit in the equally safe city of Baltimore. It was also not a surprise that the city hired Bromwich to “help” them navigate the DOJ Investigation.

Hiring a DOJ attorney with prior experience as a consent decree monitor doesn’t exactly look like he was hired to defend the police department from the DOJ.

Until recently, Bromwich’s law firm had been paid millions and Phoenix Citizens are wondering for what?

Was it Bromwich that warned the citizens of the destruction that the DOJ would bring them? Was it Bromwich that advised the city council to reject signing of the consent decree without seeing the investigation?

We aren’t quite sure what Bromwich has done but the taxpayers deserve a line by line accounting of his work and the city council needs to answer why he is still being paid.

Phoenix Keeps Paying

On May 1, 2024, the city council authorized another 2 million dollars to Steptoe & Johnson LLP. Bromwich is listed as their attorney responsible for “Independent & Internal Investigations, Monitorship.”

See how that works?

Make no mistake, as long as Michael Bromwich is getting paid by Phoenix, the DOJ has a chance. Bromwich isn’t being paid to fight a DOJ Lawsuit that would come if the councilors continue to reject the consent decree. Another law firm was retained for that.

If you still believe that Bromwich is there to help the Phoenix Police Department, his recent job should tell you everything you need to know.

The Prosecution of Minnesota Trooper Ryan Londregan

The current prosecution of Trooper Londregan is everything that is wrong with the criminal justice system today. After being involved in a police shooting, the district attorney hired multiple use of force experts to analyze the case. Each of them said that the shooting was legal and justified. The Minnesota State Police Use of Force Trainers said the shooting was within the training they provided. The leadership within the agency support the shooting as justified.

Despite this, murder charges were filed by Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty. The lead prosecutor fled the case and Moriarty was forced to hire an outside attorney to prosecute Trooper Londregan.

Guess who is prosecuting Trooper Londregan? 

Steptoe LLP along with Michael Bromwich. How does that make you feel Phoenix PD?

The city council owes an explanation as to why they keep paying a law firm to supposedly defend them from a DOJ investigation, even though we can’t find one incident where that firm or Bromwich has done nothing but investigation police departments, prosecute officers, and monitor consent decrees.

Don’t get us wrong, Bromwich looks like a savvy entrepreneur. Take a look at what happened in Boise after he was hired to investigate their police department.  The pattern appears similar here in Phoenix and one thing is clear.

Until the city council stops wasting taxpayer money, Michael Bromwich will be there to take it.