Phoenix Has Already Spent Millions During DOJ Investigation

As of July 2022, the city had spent $1.9 million on its efforts to cooperate with the U.S. Justice Department civil investigation into Phoenix Police. An investigation that Phoenix voluntarily agreed to.

The bulk of that expense up to now has involved the $1.35 million in salaries paid to the nine fulltime employees who have been assigned to gather materials requested by the Justice Department since it began its investigation.

Once the investigation is complete, the city will have to decide if they want to enter into a consent decree, a proposition that experts say will cost 25 to 50 million dollars in up front costs and over 10 million dollars a year after that.

As an example, Seattle PD has spent over 120 million dollars so far in their consent decree. For more information on the costs of a consent decree, read Consent Decrees Are A Billion Dollar Industry.

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