Must See: DOJ Turned Great Tactics Into Wrongdoing
The latest incident breakdown by Dr. Travis Yates is pure gold. In this video, he discusses Incident #8 from the DOJ Summary Report. After watching it, we have no words….You just have to watch it.
The latest incident breakdown by Dr. Travis Yates is pure gold. In this video, he discusses Incident #8 from the DOJ Summary Report. After watching it, we have no words….You just have to watch it.
Almost a year ago, we discussed a disturbing employee survey showing that if a consent decree was implemented, 66% of the employees would consider retirement or resignation with 13% saying that they would absolutely leave immediately. In fact, just 16% said that a consent decree would not affect their decision on retirement or resignation. A…
The DOJ has claimed that the Phoenix Police Department has displayed a “pattern and practice” of civil rights violations but how did they determine that? While they have released the summary report, this does not give the community or political leaders any of those answers. The methodology or the experts used are not in the…
As we previously discussed, there are some significant problems with the summary report from the DOJ and the local media has even pointed out some of those issues. Dr. Travis Yates ponders the following question on a recent appearance of the LEO Roundtable Podcast: What would happen to a police officer if they lied in…
Cleveland (WJW) – Fox 8 went one-on-one with the head of a group which includes some members earning $750 an hour with your tax money. We asked the question you keep asking as you struggle to pay the bills. The group now expects to collect millions of dollars a year to oversee reform in the Cleveland…
“No free government can survive that is not based on the supremacy of the law. Where law ends, tyranny begins. Law alone can give us freedom.” T. Hartley Alexander, Second Floor Relief in the Department of Justice Building in Washington, D.C. The United States Department of Justice The government agency, the Department of Justice…
Just as we predicted and almost an exact copy of what we already wrote, the Department of Justice blasted the Phoenix Police Department in a 126-page summary report on Thursday. It seemed like a Saturday Night Live Skit as Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, who admitted to lying under oath to Congress, read the executive…
The Phoenix Police Department is getting national attention for their new approach to policy development. Dr. Travis Yates is a national trainer and author of “The Courageous Police Leader,” and according to his recent article, he has been telling agencies for over a decade that new policy development must include input from the community. Yates…
One of the critiques we have heard from this website is that consent decrees look so bad from our content that it simply can’t be all true. We’ve challenged anyone that believes that to show us one thing here that is false…just one. We are still waiting. Even when it comes to Christmas, the DOJ…
A recent article titled, “Defying presidents and Congress, the ATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals shroud their shootings in secrecy,” highlights the hypocrisy of DOJ Consent Decrees. While the DOJ demands absolute transparency and loyalty to local police agencies, they are actually extremely secretive about their own law enforcement agencies. In referring to police consent…