Where’s The Chief? It’s Not The Job Of The Union To Educate The Public

The Phoenix Law Enforcement Association is trying to protect its officers, and the community, from the abuses of DOJ consent decrees. In the absence of leadership from Phoenix PD and city management, the union is stepping up to fill the information void and warn the public about the dangers of federal oversight.

For the last two years the Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has been conducting a secret “pattern or practice” investigation of the Phoenix Police Department.

The City has hired an interim police chief and a consultant who appear to be working with DOJ behind the scenes to pave the way for a consent decree – https://lnkd.in/dJtFN25Y

This consultant and other work done to support the DOJ investigation has already cost the city more than $2 million – https://lnkd.in/gE_xr83t

The consultant’s law firm is using his lucrative contract in Phoenix for their own sales and marketing campaign – https://lnkd.in/d2KGGruS

The Phoenix Police Department produced a promotional video to highlight their cooperation with the DOJ investigation – https://lnkd.in/dVmGVwT8

Unfortunately, the Phoenix police chief is either unable or unwilling to provide any updates on the DOJ investigation for the community, but he seems committed to entering into a consent decree with DOJ regardless of what the results of the investigation are – https://lnkd.in/dcpta2y2

It is the role of the Phoenix City Attorney and city management to represent the city’s interests and defend the city from a threatened lawsuit by the DOJ. Unfortunately, these officials appear to have already surrendered. The city is paying for the DOJ’s investigation and they have hired a high-priced consultant to pave the way for a consent decree.

It is not the police union’s job to defend the city from false and unfounded accusations by the DOJ. The union should not be put in the position of having to educate the community about the negative impacts of federal consent decrees. Hopefully, the Mayor and City Council will step up and hold city management and their consultants accountable for their negligence and inaction.

No consent decree can be signed without the approval of the City Council. If the Council does their due diligence and asks DOJ to justify their findings, it will become apparent that the emperor has no clothes.