Phoenix Called The DOJ’s Bluff

Phoenix has called DOJ’s bluff. Phoenix has told the DOJ Civil Rights Division that they will refuse to sign a consent decree even before DOJ has released its pattern-or-practice findings. This is a historic event and could bring down the entire consent decree industrial complex. Phoenix has told DOJ that during the more than two-year…

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Violent Felons Love Consent Decrees

Consent decrees are dangerous and lead to increased crime. Harvard Professor Roland Fryer’s recent study showed that DOJ pattern-or-practice investigations of police departments have resulted in hundreds of additional homicides: Consent decrees also suppress legitimate prosecutions of violent felons. As a former prosecutor, this story from Minneapolis makes me furious. Here are the facts: A…

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DOJ Words Matter…Here’s What They Mean

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched a pattern-or-practice investigation of the City of Lexington Mississippi and its police department. Here is the transcript from DOJ’s national press conference. I translated the remarks to remove the political rhetoric: ♻ “Police misconduct in smaller communities may not always garner national attention, but rest assured, the…

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