The Department of Justice Phoenix Report is Filled with Lies

Bob Scales recently wrote this: The Civil Rights Division at the US Department of Justice (DOJ) routinely lies to the public and the media in order to coerce cities into signing consent decrees. This video from Arizona Police Lawyer provides proof that DOJ’s pattern-or-practice findings on the Phoenix Police Department were fabricated and were not based on facts or the law. This is just the tip of the iceberg. If Phoenix refuses to sign a consent decree, then DOJ’s entire criminal enterprise could be exposed in federal court.

All the media outlets that breathlessly reported on the DOJ’s “scathing” findings report against Phoenix should now retract their stories and damaging headlines. If the media sticks by their DOJ stories, then these organizations could be sued for defamation for refusing to fact-check the DOJ before repeating their lies.

Have you ever wondered why DOJ pattern-or-practice findings are never signed by an attorney and why none of the reports’ experts or authors are ever named? No one wants to be associated with these fake reports. By remaining anonymous, the authors can avoid accountability and liability. DOJ findings reports are full of lies and those involved could be charged with perjury, defamation, and malicious prosecution if we knew who they were.

Please watch this video and pass it on to your networks. It is time to shine some light on the consent decree industrial complex and put an end to this abusive and unconstitutional federal practice.