DOJ rejects requests for review of Phoenix Findings

We have previously advised how the DOJ expects an agency to agree to federal take over of a local law enforcement agency without even showing them the evidence from their investigation and while that may have sounded unreal to those not familiar with the shady practices of the Department of Justice, that has now become a reality in Phoenix.

AZ Central reports that the DOJ has twice refused requests from Phoenix officials to preview the findings report from the federal investigation into the city’s Police Department.

The Justice Department did tell the city how they could get a pre-release review. If they signed “an agreement in principle to enter into a consent decree with an independent monitor.”

Welcome to Crazy Town!

If Phoenix officials did that, it would be like signing loan documents without looking at the interest rates and no city can afford these interest rates.

The idea that the DOJ expects Phoenix to sign an “agreement in principle” before issuing a final findings letter signals some very important aspects of this investigation.

  1. They do not want the evidence or lack of to be scrutinized.
  2. After that scrutiny, the DOJ clearly knows that their chance of a consent decree would be hurt.

If the evidence was there, the DOJ would have no problem revealing it.

In a letter sent to councilors, Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division said that “In certain circumstances, we may decide to provide a short time for jurisdictions to read the findings report prior to public release – for example, where those jurisdictions commit to an agreement in principle to enter into a consent decree with an independent monitor.”

Councilwoman Ann O’Brien of District 1 in northwest Phoenix released a statement blasting the Justice Department, saying that “Phoenix has been transparent and collaborative, now it’s time for the DOJ to do the same.”

Councilwoman Debra Stark said she was “flabbergasted” at the DOJ’s refusal.

“I don’t understand why they’re not willing to share,” Stark said. “I find it almost offensive.”

Indeed, offensive, predictable, sad, and borderline corrupt if you ask us.

Phoenix will not fall for this scam.

It’s time for the DOJ to show their cards and when they do, we will be ready!