Expert Describes The Faults Within The DOJ Report on Phoenix

Dr. Travis Yates discusses his findings inn the DOJ Summary Report on the Phoenix Police Department.
His discussion included the time period of the investigation that made up approximately  6 million calls and more than 5000 use of force incidents.

As Yates points out, the Phoenix’s City Council uniquely requested to see the DOJ’s investigation summary before signing an intent for a consent decree and that enabled an examination of the facts surrounding the DOJ Investigation.


The City of Phoenix allowed public access to detailed incident reports via a public website, showcasing discrepancies between DOJ’s summaries and actual investigations. Shockingly, the analysis revealed situations used by the DOJ to describe misconduct were often examples of police heroism or justified actions.

As Yates discusses, the DOJ’s investigative summaries often omitted crucial details necessary to understand the context of incidents.

You can read the full analysis to date here.