The Phoenix Council Was Mislead…We Caught The Wolves

The unfortunate truth is that there are entities both within and outside the Phoenix Police Department that WANT the Department of Justice (DOJ) to manage the Phoenix Police Department. Considering what a consent decree has done to communities across the country, that sounds CRAZY but crazy likes to make money and there is a lot of money to be made when consent decrees are imposed.

As the citizens in Phoenix have become more aware of consent decrees, those pushing for a consent decree must pivot and that pivot involves miscommunication, misperceptions, and often times absolute lies.

It appears that the Phoenix City Council was given misleading information that told them that  “…the only resolutions in recent years were either consent decrees or memorandums of understandings.”

As we previously wrote, those alternatives are one and the same. They are both destructive and the omission of the 20 outcomes involving technical assistance letters (TAL) was all too obvious and we can now say, without a doubt, that there are wolves in and around the City of Phoenix government and even the police department who are purposely attempting to destroy the city of Phoenix by landing a long-term DOJ Agreement here.

There is no other option to consider. A Technical Assistance Letter is a resolution following a DOJ investigation so why would the city council be told that the only options DO NOT include a TAL?

Logic tells us that those informing the council don’t want a TAL…they want the destructive forces that a consent decree and/or a MOA would bring.

Technical Assistance Letter
A Technical Assistance Letter is notification by the DOJ that they completed their investigation and believe there meeds to be changes made within the agency. The letter provides The AGENCY the ability to “self-correct.” It does not require a monitor, a judge, or any of the other problematic entities that have destroyed cities and agencies across the country. A simple google search (Technical Assistance Letter DOJ) will provide hundreds of examples of TAL’s across numerous professions that the DOJ has issued.

While we still believe that the results of the DOJ Investigation will be problematic in regard to bias and methodology (as we have seen in other cities), a TAL is an option that has not only been used in other cities but would keep the DOJ from managing the day to day operations of the Phoenix Police Department.

We encourage you to watch those details in the below video.

The below correspondence was sent to the Phoenix City Council. 

Why were the cities left off of this list that elected to do a TAL?

The only conclusion is that there are forces in City leadership, and even within the Phoenix Police Department itself, that WANT a consent decree. They know that it will take a vote of the council to get one and they DO NOT want the council to know that they have a 3rd option of a TAL.

While we are still investigating this matter, this appears to be corrupt at worse and misleading at best.