If the DOJ Report Is A Lie, Their Recommendations Are As Well

Councilwoman Ann O’Brien recently said that said that the Phoenix Police Department is working to implement 37 remedial measures recommended by the U.S. Department of Justice but we have a question.

Where has it ever been proven that any measures recommended by the DOJ have worked in the past and if those recommendations were built on a lie, why would you implement them?

If you question whether the DOJ Allegations were accurate, you should stop and read this. 

To be clear, we want a professional law enforcement agency in Phoenix and we want reforms that matter but the idea that following what the DOJ says will do that, is faulty.

Every agency the DOJ has left in their path of destruction is far worse off. Crime is up, staffing is low and budgets are out of control.

Whether it’s a consent decree monitor or a police chief implementing their reforms, the damage will surely be done.

We have a crazy idea. Phoenix should improve in a way that helps Phoenix and not the federal government.