The Department of Justice Phoenix Report is Filled with Lies
Bob Scales recently wrote this: The Civil Rights Division at the US Department of Justice (DOJ) routinely lies to the public and the media in order to coerce cities into signing consent decrees. This video from Arizona Police Lawyer provides proof that DOJ’s pattern-or-practice findings on the Phoenix Police Department were fabricated and were not…
Review shows misstatements and mischaracterizations in DOJ report of Phoenix PD
An Arizona’s Family Investigates review of the Department of Justice Investigation report into the Phoenix Police Department shows misstatements, errors in fact and events that were mischaracterized by DOJ investigators. Critics argue that the report’s conclusions should be viewed with skepticism. “It doesn’t give a fair assessment because if you start with bad facts, you’re…
Supreme Court Slams The Phoenix DOJ Report
The United States Supreme Court exposed the DOJ’s “historic” investigation on the Phoenix Police Department on Friday but we doubt anything will change with the accusations, innuendoes, and lies that were within the summary report. Before we explain what the Supreme Court did, here is a quick reminder of what the DOJ said about the…
Phoenix or Minneapolis…Which Do You Choose
Dr. Travis Yates has spoken a few times about Phoenix and the DOJ. His latest podcast episode discussed the stark difference between leadership in Phoenix and Minneapolis and he specifically discussed the DOJ investigation and summary report. Give it a listen and let us know what you think. LISTEN HERE.
Phoenix Is Living Up to Its Name
“No free government can survive that is not based on the supremacy of the law. Where law ends, tyranny begins. Law alone can give us freedom.” T. Hartley Alexander, Second Floor Relief in the Department of Justice Building in Washington, D.C. The United States Department of Justice The government agency, the Department of Justice…
The Next Move in Phoenix with Dr. Travis Yates
Dr. Travis Yates has spoken several times about the DOJ Investigation in Phoenix and in this episode of the Roll Call Room Podcast, he details the actions that Phoenix should take now. As Yates explains, consent decrees are the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) method for reforming local law enforcement agencies but their idea of reform is…
The Phoenix Investigation Was A Fraud
Just as we predicted and almost an exact copy of what we already wrote, the Department of Justice blasted the Phoenix Police Department in a 126-page summary report on Thursday. It seemed like a Saturday Night Live Skit as Assistant Attorney General, Kristen Clarke, who admitted to lying under oath to Congress, read the executive…
The Corrupt DOJ Is Releasing The Phoenix Report
There may not be a more corrupt organization in America today than the Department of Justice and their destruction of communities and law enforcement agencies with consent decrees is simply one small piece of a political monster that thrives on eating the misinformed. Just this week Attorney General Merrick Garland was held in contempt of…