The DOJ Turned Textbook De-Escalation Into Wrongdoing

In recent discussions surrounding law enforcement practices, the focus has shifted towards ensuring accountability and fostering community trust. The Phoenix Police Department has found itself at the center of scrutiny, particularly regarding the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) investigations into its conduct but the conduct the DOJ claims is abusive is actually excellent and sound tactics….

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Consent Decree vs. MOA

There has been some discussion among insiders in and around Phoenix that the police department is attempting to resolve the DOJ Investigation by a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). We haven’t said much about this because frankly, the DOJ rarely does them, but they are more dangerous than a consent decree for a wide variety of…

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Phoenix Officers Are Prepared To Leave

Almost a year ago, we discussed a disturbing employee survey showing that if a consent decree was implemented, 66% of the employees would consider retirement or resignation with 13% saying that they would absolutely leave immediately. In fact, just 16% said that a consent decree would not affect their decision on retirement or resignation. A…

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Bob Scales: DOJ Cannot Prove A Pattern-or-Practice of Unconstitutional Policing

(Bob Scales): DOJ civil rights attorneys came out from the shadows yesterday to hold a virtual “community” meeting in Phoenix. DOJ has been silent since they released their pattern-or-practice findings in June at a virtual press conference: DOJ has refused to speak with City officials during the three-year investigation and after their findings were…

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